DIY Succulent Candle Tray: Easy Spring Decor for Your Home!

Hello there! How are you doing today? Has spring arrived yet in your part of the world? Here in my home state of Oklahoma, we’ve had some lovely warm days this past week. However, they’re predicting snow come Friday. This up-and-down weather is typical for our part of the country, but it’s SUCH a tease! Oh, well!

Today, I want to share with you an easy arrangement to help keep the bright promise of spring alive in your home, especially when it’s still cold outside. This Succulent Candle Tray is made with river rocks, faux succulent heads, and faux succulent blossoms. I enjoy working with faux succulent plants because they come in such joyous colors as deep green and purple. They add a lively pop of color to any room in the home, plus you don’t have to worry about watering them! I hope you enjoy this project as much as I do!

Succulent Candle Tray

Supplies List:

  • One rectangle tray (any color will do, but I like how the gold adds another pop of color to the arrangement!)

  • Two glass votive candle holders

  • Two white votive candles

  • Six large succulent plant heads

  • Eight small succulent blossoms

  • Two measuring cups worth of river rocks (or two 1lb bags from Dollar Tree)

Project Instructions:

  1. Prepare the Tray: Gently place the river rocks in the tray and spread them out evenly.

2. Create Candle Wells: Make two small "wells" or spaces in the rocks where you'd like to place the votive candles.

3. Add Candles: Place the white votive candles inside the glass holders and then put them in the tray.

4. Arrange Large Succulents: Start arranging the large succulent plant heads around the candle holders and the edges of the tray.

5. Add Succulent Blossoms: Finally, place the succulent blossoms around the large succulent plant heads, the candle holders, and the tray edges.

6. Experiment with Placement: Feel free to experiment with placing the succulent plant heads and blossoms in different positions and groupings to create a life-like effect!

Here is the final arrangement I made for my kitchen windowsill. It looks so bright and cheerful!


I hope you enjoyed this Succulent Candle Tray arrangement! It’s a delightful way to bring a touch of spring into your home, regardless of the weather outside!

That’s all for now! Have a wonderful day!


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