Welcome to the Coffee in My Kitchen Course Library!

This Free Course Library is password-protected.

Click the button below to enter the CIMK Library with the password:

If you do not get my emails yet, you can request the password here:

Troubleshooting Tips (Don’t worry, I’ve got you!):

Forgot your password? I put the password at the bottom of nearly all of my emails. But if you can’t find one of my emails to you, check your Promotions or Spam folders. You can also click the “Get My Free Password” button to fill out the entry form again with your current email address.

Password Tip: Copy and paste the password from the email into the password box. This helps to avoid accidental mistakes!

Not working? If you enter the password and the same page refreshes without any content, that means you put in the wrong password. Double-check your email, copy the password, and paste it into the link above.

Still not working? Try the copy/paste method again and make sure the URL you are going to has https at the start of it (that’s a secure page and it makes a difference). If that still isn’t working, try a different web browser.

If all else fails, feel free to email us here at support@coffeeinmykitchen.com. We’d love to help you out!